Thursday, March 19, 2009

Off again!

Hey there, it's me, Sadie. First things first: I realized that I totally forgot to post about when I was in Chicago last March! Oops!! I was so busy meeting up with my old friends that I never got around to it. And I didn't even realize I'd forgotten to blog, until I came on here to write my latest update...oh, but hold on, more about that later!

So anyway, I got to visit Diva and the gang last spring. I know my new Mom in Pittsburgh was worried that I'd like it so much I'd want to stay, but she didn't need to worry. I was just glad to see everyone and hang out for a while.

And were they ever glad to see me!

They darn near knocked me over. "Pop, lock, and drop it!" they said.

So, I did. We had an awesome slumber party. Er, except for when I spilled the catsup here.

What's going on here?

This girl is CRAZY, that's what!

I like it when I find someone else with my kickin' sense of style.

Traveling Nora and I looked too cute on Easter. I think we have this dress at home; if so, I'm making it mine since it looks so good.

Happy Easter!

Nora and I also had a fun outting to the Chicago Children's Museum. Here we pretended to be doll-sized chess pieces. Nora is waving at her mom in this photo; if I look a little worried, it's because I was wondering if this was going to become a game of Wizard's Chess!

Aside from that little worry, I had a great time in my old hometown. After all that I headed to Wisconsin.

So, okay, update time. Guess what? I am traveling again, to Canada! And do you know what is in Canada? Do you? POLAR BEARS! I am so excited, I could scream. Of course, they are far up north, and I'll have lots of other adventures while I'm there.

The other girls threw me a good-bye party, which you can read about HERE.

Stay tuned for my Canadian adventures!

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