Sunday, March 29, 2009

First stop: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Ungh, it felt like I'd been in that box for ages! Fortunately I was in some kind of suspended animation, but still, it lasted way too long. All the while, I could hear the UPS delivery people gossiping about some wild party the Calgarian dolls had started without me.

Sadly, it was all true. You can read about their carryings-on here: The Sadie Preparation Album. Fortunately, they'd sobered up and come to their senses by the time I arrived.

Well, mostly sobered up. It looks like Jess is pulling someone's hair there. Of course, that's just like a Jess doll for you; they're all the same. (Shhh, don't tell Angry Jess I said that). Anyway, the dolls were very welcoming and friendly, especially Josefina: My Calgarian Arrival Album.

After I got settled in, my hostess marcyleecorgan took me along for Take Your Doll to Work Day. She works at the Calgary Zoo, which must totally be one of the most awesomest jobs in the whole world! Look at what she showed me first!

No polar bears were harmed in the making of this photo; that is a sculpture. But they are SO CUTE!!!! However, they are almost rivaled in Cuteness by this Red Panda:

AHHHH! So adorable! I asked marcyleecorgan if they'd make good pets, but she just smiled and pointed at their really sharp claws. Hmmm, I guess not. I learned that Red Pandas are unique to certain areas of the Far East. While they aren't endangered like my polar bears are, the Red Panda is considered to be a vulnerable species because their habitat is being encroached upon by humans. That made me really sad and kind of angry at people. The Red Panda isn't a bear like the Giant Panda of China is. Red Pandas are more active at night, and they live in trees. They drink by getting their paw all wet and then licking it off, and they clean themselves like raccoons do. Their natural predators are snow leopards and martens, and people. People! Why would anyone want to hurt a Red Panda? I wish I could keep them all safe. Sweet little Red Pandas, I love you.

We saw many other cool animals that day: Take Your Doll to Work Day Album. I'm so glad marcyleecorgan took me along! Oh hey, can you find me here?

Just call me Joey! Hee hee. I can't wait to see what else is in store for me in Calgary!

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