Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

I've made it to Klamath Falls, OR, and I'm having a great time making friends here!

Today they celebrated my birthday with me. They have a birthday crown they get to take turns wearing on their birthdays, and they let me wear it today. I got to be the birthday princess! I even got a birthday cake from Baskin Robbins. It was vanilla and very yummy. It was yellow with roses on it. Here's an album of my party: http://picasaweb.google.com/AGSarahS/SadieS10thBirthday

It's nice here in Klamath Falls. There's a lot of sun and it's not freezing during the day. It's much warmer than Alaska, even though there's snow on the ground here, too

1 comment:

Mercedes Rae said...

Hi Sadie! All the dolls here wish you a happy birthday! We miss you. When you come home, there will be a new girl to meet -- Ginny Weasley came today! The AG Club is about Addy this weekend. We can't decide who gets to go to the meeting. Love you!